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Corporate Responsibility

Shanghai Crane Fluid’s corporate responsibility awareness is not only reflected in its customers, shareholders and employees. In all our business activities, we follow the guiding principle of sustainable and fair treatment of the environment and society.

Global compact

As a Global Compact signatory, Shanghai Crane Fluid is committed to upholding the ten principles of the United Nations aimed at promoting the sustainability and fairness of the business environment.

Environmental protection

Shanghai Crane Fluid is well aware of the threats posed by the depletion of climate and natural resources. This is why we support the goals of the protocol. Crane Fluid's products and technologies are helpful to energy efficiency and environmental protection. In addition, our process and working environment design also use as little energy and raw materials as possible.

Occupational health and safety of employees

In Shanghai Crane Fluid, workplace safety is the top priority. To this end, we have formulated our own EHS (Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety) guidelines.

Responsibility throughout the value chain

We are committed to using resource efficiency to produce our products and maintain sustainable economic development. Adopt precautionary measures to protect the environment throughout the production process in the enterprise. When selecting materials and raw materials, we will pay attention to their economic, quality and ecological issues.

As a result of continuous tracking of targets, our energy consumption in 2011 was reduced by 20% compared to the previous year.

At the same time, we are very concerned about work safety and health protection. The most important of these is the design of ergonomic workplaces, such as facilities and equipment, packaging lines, vacuum suction cups, and automatic high-bay warehouses.

In the production process, we are committed to reducing waste. And in order to facilitate the recycling of garbage, we carry out garbage classification, such as paper products, surplus waste, steel, plastics, etc. In order to promote the concept of "paperless office", we try our best to process files electronically.